Check up Ranch is a family operation owned and run by Dr Jeffrey Foland, DVM and Jennifer Foland. We started raising cutting horses in 1992.
Our breeding program is centered around promoting and passing on exceptional genes through the dam line. "Mare Power to Ya" is one of our slogans, and we are raising our 4th and 5th generations of performers born at Check Up Ranch. Our primary focus is breeding Western Performance Horses. Their athleticism and intelligence have allowed our babies to excel in numerous disciplines including cutting, reining cowhorse, ranch versatility, roping, team sorting, breakaway roping, and even mounted shooting.
Our Broodmares
Hissy Cat - LTE 314,000k - Producer of over 1.8 million.
Shes Twice As Smooth - LTE 196,000k - Producer of over 600,000k
Hiss N Vinegar LTE 400,000k - NCHA Hall Of Fame. Her first foals are competing as 4 year olds.
Hisstereya - LTE 136,000k - Producer of over 300,000k
Shutup N Hiss Me - LTE 107,000k
Her first babies arrived 2024.
We have prospects available by some of the top stallions in the industry. Come and take a look!
ISN'T IT TIME FOR YOUR NEXT CHECK UP? Your future champion awaits!
Contact Jeff or Jennifer Foland 940 682-1880
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