Starzz is in the 817 Horse sale October 27th.
If you are looking for a top of the line show horse and broodmare Starzz it is. She is out of the great producer Catrina Starlight. She is a strong mare with lots of style. She is sound and has clean x-rays. she has not been shown much in the last 4 months. she has no vices and is easy to be around.
Nominated to the NCHA Super Stakes. APHA registered.
Trained by Cade Shepard. She marked a 219 on her first run as a 3 yr old. Then, starzz was purchased and went in training with Harris Shepard for a year. She is currently with Dan Popeck . Dan has had her for the past 2 months.
Starzz won the Augusta Futurity 4 yr old LTD Amateur Finals, she made the 4yr old LTD Amateur Superstakes finals. She won the first go round of the Ike 4yr old Amateur all levels and made the finals in the INT Amateur.
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