Cassie Hawk, is a stunning and talented young mare currently being shown and trained by Austin Blake. Cassie is everything you could ask for in a performance horse: she’s cowy, quick on her feet, incredibly smart, and has a sweet disposition. She is Sound and ready to go. PPEs Welcome.
Cassie is just beginning her aged event career and is primed for success!
She shined as an Open Derby Intermediate Finalist at The Arbuckle Futurity, and she’s already added an impressive 222 at the APHA World to her growing resume. Cassie is truly a versatile competitor—she’s Open caliber, Non-Pro suitable, and perfect for Amateur riders.
She’ll continue training and Showing with Austin Blake until she finds her new home.
Contact us today for more information.
CATTY HAWK X DIBZ (Wood Be Tuff x DPS LENAS LUCINDA $ $8,539.22 ( Dual Pep x Lenas Lucinda $72,158)
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